
Zhoushan Sanzhong Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. provides all kinds of screw for you, welcome to consult!


Screw plays an important role in plastic machinery

News briefing
Screw is an important part of injection molding machine. Its function is to transport, melt, compact, mix and press plastic. All these are completed by the rotation of the screw in the barrel, which sh...

Twin screw extrusion technology is gradually moving towards

News briefing
According to the technical report released by the national development and Reform Commission, at present, the commonly used plastic extrusion equipment in China mainly includes cone-shaped counter rota...

The important parts of screw injection molding machine play

News briefing
With the development of the hydraulic system of the injection molding machine towards Middle and high pressure, the pilot relief valve is widely used in the control oil circuit of the hydraulic system ...

Working process and attention points for operation of twin s

News briefing
The material passes through the double screw foam granulation machine feeding port, under the action of the rotating screw, it is rubbed into a mass and rolls along the spiral groove. Because of the sh...
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